Active Creative Life

Welcome to Active Creative Life, a space where creativity, connection, and well-beingcome together to offer unique and enriching experiences. Founded and led by MaryCabral, a passionate and versatile guide, Active Creative Life,combines adventure,learning, and personal growth through customized services designed to inspire andempower.

Who is Mary Cabral?

I am Mary Cabral, an Active & Creative Life Guide of British-Portuguese origin, raisedbetween England and Portugal, and currently residing in the Canary Islands. With over20 years of experience, my passion for AcroYoga, climbing, and active tourism hasdriven me to develop a holistic approach that blends physical activities, creativity, andemotional connection. I speak English, Portuguese, Spanish, and French, allowing meto provide accessible and personalized services to a global audience.

Services Offered

At Active Creative Life, you’ll find a wide range of services designed to awaken youractive and creative side:
Guided Tours and Routes: Unique tourism experiences, including hiking, climbing,canyoning, and historical city tours across the Canary Islands.
AcroYoga Classes and Workshops: For beginners and advanced participants, focusingon trust, communication, and care.
Professional Training and English Classes: Specialized courses such as English forTour Guides and English for AcroYoga Teachers.
Translation and Interpretation: Professional bilingual services in English, Spanish, andPortuguese.